Notebook source code: examples/ihm/ihm.ipynb
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IHM (graphical interface, POC)

Below are two examples of graphical interfaces for BOCOP and Hampath, two original components of the ct project.

The first use case chains BOCOP and Hampath codes to solve a simple optimal control problem. A (not so) rough solution is obtained on a coarse grid by BOCOP whose result is then used to initialise a shooting procedure, resulting in a more precise result. (See also here.)

Link to video

The second example demonstrates an interactive call to BOCOP to solve a more advanced case, the “swimmer problem”. It deals with swimming at low Reynolds number, the idea being to find the “best” stroke. The graphical interface shows the evolution of the strategy (control and state) along the whole BOCOP iteration. As one can see, different control structures are explored before reaching the optimal one.

Link to video


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