Source code for nutopy.nle

   nle module description
import numpy as np
from scipy import optimize
from nutopy.mod_nlesolve import mod_nlesolve
from nutopy.errors import *
from nutopy import options
from import *

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def finite_diff(fun, x, *args, **kwargs):
    v_eps = np.finfo(float).eps
    if isinstance(x, float):
        t = np.sqrt(v_eps) * np.sqrt(np.maximum(1.0, np.abs(x)))
        j = (fun(x + t, *args, **kwargs) - fun(x, *args, **kwargs)) / t
        n = x.size
        j = np.zeros((n, n))
        f = fun(x, *args, **kwargs)
        for i in range(0, n):
            t = np.sqrt(v_eps) * np.sqrt(np.maximum(1.0, np.abs(x[i])))
            xi = x[i]
            x[i] = xi + t
            j[:, i] = (fun(x, *args, **kwargs) - f) / t
            x[i] = xi

    return j

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[docs]def solve(f, x0, *, df=None, options=None, callback=None, args=(), kwargs=None): """ Solver of nonlinear equations: .. math:: f(x) = 0, with :math:`f : \mathbf{R}^n \\rightarrow \mathbf{R}^n`. The solver is iterative and so it constructs a sequence of iterates :math:`x^{(k)}` which must converge to a solution denoted :math:`x^*` of :math:`f(x)=0`. The user must provide an ``initial guess`` :math:`x^{(0)}`. Parameters ---------- f : callable A vector function representing ``f(x)``. x0 : float vector or :class:`float` Initial guess :math:`x^{(0)}`. df : callable, optional, key only The Jacobian ``f'(x)`` which returns a float matrix. options : :meth:`nutopy.nle.Options`, optional, key only A dictionnary of solver options. callback: callable, optional, key only A function of the form ``callback(infos)`` which returns a flag (named ``status``). The ``nle.solve`` method stops if ``SolverMethod=='hybrj'`` and ``status < 0`` at some iteration. The argument ``infos`` is a structure containing: - ``infos.x`` : ``x`` at current iteration; - ``infos.f`` : ``f(x)`` at current iteration. args : tuple, key only optional arguments for ``f`` (and ``df`` if provided). kwargs : dictionnary, key only keywords optional arguments for ``f`` (and ``df`` if provided). Returns ------- sol A dictionary/struct of outputs: - ``sol.x`` or ``sol.get('x')`` (float vector) : solution of f(x) = 0 if the method has converged; - ``sol.f`` (float vector) : value ``f(xsol)``; - ``sol.nfev`` (:class:`int`) : number of evaluations of ``f``; - ``sol.njev`` (:class:`int`) : number of evaluations of ``df``; - ``sol.status`` (:class:`int`) : termination status of the solver; - ``sol.success`` (:class:`bool`) : whether or not the solver exited successfully; - ``sol.message`` (:class:`str`) : description of the cause of the termination. See Also -------- nutopy.nle.Options nutopy.errors Notes ----- - Use :class:`numpy.ndarray` to define float vectors and matrices. - You can define a unique function ``f`` coding f and its derivative: .. highlight:: python >>> from import * >>> def df(x, dx): ... dy = 2.0 * dx ... return dy >>> @tensorize(df) ... def f(x): ... y = 2.0 * x - 1.0 ... return y Then, call ``nle.solve`` with ``df=f``: .. highlight:: python >>> from nutopy import nle >>> nle.solve(f, x0=1.0, df=f) >>> # or equivalently: df is not required if f is tensorized >>> nle.solve(f, x0=1.0) Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from nutopy import nle Example 1: scalar >>> sol = nle.solve(lambda x: 2.0 * x - 1.0, 0.0) >>> sol.x 0.5 Example 2: use numpy array >>> def f(x): ... y = np.zeros(x.size) ... y[0] = 2.0*x[0]-1.0 ... y[1] = np.exp(x[1])-1.0 ... return y >>> x0 = np.array([10.0, 2.0]) >>> sol = nle.solve(f, x0) Example 3: with Jacobian and options >>> def df(x): ... j = np.eye(x.size) ... j[0,0] = 2.0 ... j[1,1] = np.exp(x[1]) ... return j >>> opt = nle.Options(SolverMethod='hybrj', Display='on', TolX=1e-8) >>> sol = nle.solve(f, x0, df=df, options=opt) Example 4: with optional arguments >>> def f(x, a, b, c=1.0): ... y = np.zeros(x.size) ... y[0] = a*x[0]-b ... y[1] = np.exp(x[1])-c ... return y >>> a = 2.0 >>> b = 1.0 >>> x0 = np.array([10.0, 2.0]) >>> sol = nle.solve(f, x0, args=(a, b), kwargs={'c' : 0.1}) # Example 5: with callback >>> def f(x): ... y = np.zeros(x.size) ... y[0] = 2.0 * x[0] - 1.0 ... return y >>> def cb(infos): ... return 0 >>> x0 = np.array([0.0]) >>> sol = nle.solve(f, x0, callback=cb) # Example 6: with df=f >>> from import * >>> def df(x): ... dy = np.array([2.0 * dx[0], np.exp(x[1]) * dx[1]]) ... return dy >>> @tensorize(df) ... def df(x): ... y = np.array([2.0 * x[0] - 1.0, np.exp(x[1]) - 1.0]) ... return y >>> sol = nle.solve(f, np.array([10.0, 2.0]), df=f) Raises ------ ArgumentDimensionError Variable x0 must be a one dimensional numpy array or a float. ArgumentTypeError Variable options must be a Options object. """ # Cast of input variables if kwargs is None: kwargs = {} if not isinstance(x0, float): x0 = np.asarray(x0) # Tests on input variables if options is None: options = Options() # Variable x0 must be a vector or a float msg_erreur = 'Variable x0 must be a one dimensional numpy array or a float.'; if isinstance(x0, np.ndarray): # Variable x0 must be a vector if x0.ndim == 1: n = x0.size elif x0.ndim == 2: (lig, col) = x0.shape if lig == 1 or col == 1: n = x0.size else: raise ArgumentDimensionError(msg_erreur) else: raise ArgumentDimensionError(msg_erreur) elif isinstance(x0, float): n = 1 else: raise ArgumentTypeError(msg_erreur) # Variable options must be a Options object if not isinstance(options, Options): raise ArgumentTypeError('Variable options must be a Options object.') # create callback function passed to fortran routine display = options.get('Display')=='on' if not isinstance(args,tuple): args = (args,) # if f is df: jac_case = 2 # f is tensorized elif df is None: #if istensorized(f, (1,), x0, *args, **kwargs): # df = f # jac_case = 2 # f is tensorized #else: jac_case = 0 # no jacobian => finite diff else: jac_case = 1 # the Jacobian is given # if jac_case == 0: # No jacobian myjac = lambda x: finite_diff(f, x, *args, **kwargs) # finite diff elif jac_case == 2: # f is tensorized def myjac(x): if isinstance(x, float): _, dy = df((x, 1.0), *args, **kwargs) else: n = x.size dy = np.zeros((n,n)) Id = np.eye(n) for i in range(0, n): _, dy[:,i] = df((x, Id[:, i]), *args, **kwargs) return dy else: # jac_case = 1: the Jacobian is given myjac = lambda x: df(x, *args, **kwargs) myfun = lambda x: f(x, *args, **kwargs) if callback is None: def callback_nle(x, f): if display: callbackPrint(x, f) return 0 else: def callback_nle(x, f): if display: callbackPrint(x, f) infos_dict = dict(x=x, f=f) infos = NLEInfos(infos_dict) if callback.__code__.co_argcount > 1: return callback(infos, *args, **kwargs) else: return callback(infos) # we can call callback without optional # arguments # prepare call to Fortran solver [dw, iw, lsw, sw] = options.getAllOptions() # Code ascii de la chaine de caractere solver_method = options.get('SolverMethod') if solver_method == 'hybrj': if not isinstance(x0, float): x0.astype(dtype='d', order='F') [xsol, fsol, nfev, njev, flag, messageFortran] = mod_nlesolve.nlesolvepy( \ myfun, myjac, x0, np.array([1.0]), callback_nle, \ dw, iw, [ord(c) for c in sw], lsw, n, 1, len(dw), len(iw), len(lsw), len(sw)) else: [xsol, fsol, nfev, njev, flag, messageFortran] = mod_nlesolve.nlesolvepy_float( \ myfun, myjac, x0, callback_nle, \ dw, iw, [ord(c) for c in sw], lsw, len(dw), len(iw), len(lsw), len(sw)) message = messageFortran.strip().decode() status = flag if status == 1: success = True else: success = False else: if solver_method == 'hybr' or solver_method == 'lm': sol = optimize.root(myfun, x0, jac=myjac, method=solver_method, callback=None, options=options.get('ScipyRootOptions')) else: if callback is None: sol = optimize.root(myfun, x0, jac=None, method=solverMethod, \ callback=callbackPrint, options=options.get('ScipyRootOptions')) else: sol = optimize.root(myfun, x0, jac=None, method=solver_method, \ callback=callback_nle, options=options.get('ScipyRootOptions')) xsol = sol.x fsol = message = sol.message success = sol.success status = sol.status try: nfev = sol.nfev except AttributeError as err: nfev = -1 try: njev = sol.njev except AttributeError as err: njev = -1 # print('\n Results of the nle solver method:\n') # print(' xsol = ', xsol, '\n'); # print(' f(xsol) = ', fsol, '\n'); # print(' nfev = ', nfev, '\n'); # print(' njev = ', njev, '\n'); # print(' status = ', status, '\n'); # print(message) # post computations, prepare outputs #if n == 1: if isinstance(x0, float): xsol = type(x0)(xsol) fsol = type(x0)(fsol) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sol = dict(x=xsol, f=fsol, nfev=nfev, njev=njev, status=status, \ success=success, message=message) nlesol = NLESol(sol) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # display outputs if display: print('\n Results of the nle solver method:\n') print(' xsol = ', nlesol.x); print(' f(xsol) = ', nlesol.f); print(' nfev = ', nlesol.nfev); print(' njev = ', nlesol.njev); print(' status = ', nlesol.status); print(' success = ', nlesol.success, '\n'); print(' ' + nlesol.message + '\n') # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # reset counter callbackPrint.counter=0 return nlesol
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def static_vars(**kwargs): def decorate(func): for k in kwargs: setattr(func, k, kwargs[k]) return func return decorate @static_vars(counter=0) def callbackPrint(x,f): if(callbackPrint.counter==0): print('\n Calls |f(x)| |x|\n ') print('{0:10}'.format(callbackPrint.counter+1) + \ '{0:23.15e}'.format(np.linalg.norm(f)) + \ '{0:23.15e}'.format(np.linalg.norm(x))) callbackPrint.counter += 1 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class NLESol: def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- args : tuple Anonymous arguments kwargs : Dictionary of named arguments """ self.sol = dict() self.update(*args, **kwargs) self.x = self.sol['x'] self.f = self.sol['f'] self.nfev = self.sol['nfev'] self.njev = self.sol['njev'] self.success = self.sol['success'] self.message = self.sol['message'] self.status = self.sol['status'] def update(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Doc de update """ for dico in args: if isinstance(dico, dict): self.__private_update(dico) else: raise ArgumentTypeError( 'NLESol requires arguments of type dict or a list of param=value, \ see help(NLESol)!') self.__private_update(kwargs) def __private_update(self, dictionary): """ Doc de __private_update """ for key, val in dictionary.items(): if key in self.sol: if isinstance(self.sol[key], val.__class__): self.sol[key] = val else: raise ArgumentTypeError('NLESol ' + key + ' must be of type: ' + \ str(self.sol[key].__class__) + \ ' instead of type: ' + str(val.__class__) + '!') else: self.sol[key] = val def get(self, key): """ Doc de get """ try: value = self.sol[key] except KeyError as err: raise OptionNameError(key + ' is not a NLESol, see help(NLESol)!\n') return value def __str__(self): """ Doc de __str__ """ keys = sorted(self.sol.keys()) string = self.__class__.__name__ + ':\n\n' for key in keys: string = string + "\t" + key.ljust(20) + ' = ' + str(self.sol[key]) + '\n' return string # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class NLEInfos: def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- args : tuple Anonymous arguments kwargs : dictionary Named arguments """ self.sol = dict() self.update(*args, **kwargs) self.x = self.sol['x'] self.f = self.sol['f'] def update(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Doc de update """ for dico in args: if isinstance(dico, dict): self.__private_update(dico) else: raise ArgumentTypeError( 'NLEInfos requires arguments of type dict or a list of param=value, \ see help(NLEInfos)!') self.__private_update(kwargs) def __private_update(self, dictionary): """ Doc de __private_update """ for key, val in dictionary.items(): if key in self.sol: if isinstance(self.sol[key], val.__class__): self.sol[key] = val else: raise ArgumentTypeError('NLEInfos ' + key + ' must be of type: ' + \ str(self.sol[key].__class__) + \ ' instead of type: ' + str(val.__class__) + '!') else: self.sol[key] = val def get(self, key): """ Doc de get """ try: value = self.sol[key] except KeyError as err: raise OptionNameError(key + ' is not a NLEInfos, see help(NLEInfos)!\n') return value def __str__(self): """ Doc de __str__ """ keys = sorted(self.sol.keys()) string = self.__class__.__name__ + ':\n\n' for key in keys: string = string + "\t" + key.ljust(20) + ' = ' + str(self.sol[key]) + '\n' return string # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class Options(options.Options): """ Options for :meth:`nutopy.nle.solve`. Attributes ---------- Display : :class:`str`, {'on', 'off'}, default is ``on`` Display iterations and results or not MaxFEval : :class:`int`, default is ``2000`` Maximum number of calls to the function ``f`` SolverMethod : :class:`str`, default is ``'hybrj'`` Solver method - From nutopy package [1]_: - `hybrj` - From :func:`scipy.optimize.root`: - `hybr` : this method is equivalent to `hybrj`. - `lm` - `broyden1` - `broyden2` - `anderson` - `linearmixing` - `diagbroyden` - `excitingmixing` - `krylov` - `df-sane` ScipyRootOptions : :class:`dict` A dictionary of solver options for python scipy solver. E.g. `xtol` or `maxiter`, see show_options() for details: .. highlight:: python >>> from scipy import optimize >>> print(optimize.show_options(solver='root')) TolX : :class:`float`, default is ``1e-8`` Relative tolerance between iterates. Examples -------- >>> from nutopy import nle Constructor usage >>> options = nle.Options() >>> options = nle.Options(Display='off', TolX=1e-8) >>> options = nle.Options({'Display' : 'off', 'TolX' : 1e-8}) Update >>> options.update(Display='on') Get >>> solver = options.get('Display') References ---------- .. [1] M. J. D. Powell, A Hybrid Method for Nonlinear Equations. Numerical Methods for Nonlinear Algebraic Equations, P. Rabinowitz, editor. Gordon and Breach, 1970. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Doc de __init__ Parameters ---------- args : tuple Anonymous arguments kwargs : dictionary Named arguments """ = 'nle.solve' # On donne les valeurs par defaut de options self.options = dict(Display='on', MaxFEval=2000, SolverMethod='hybrj', ScipyRootOptions=dict(), TolX=1e-8) self.update(*args, **kwargs) def getAllOptions(self): """ Doc de getAllOptions """ # Cette methode permet de regrouper les options a donner en parametre aux # fonctions fortran faisant l interface dw = [self.options['TolX']] iw = [self.options['MaxFEval']] lsw = [len(self.options['Display']), len(self.options['SolverMethod'])] sw = self.options['Display'] + \ self.options['SolverMethod'] return [dw, iw, lsw, sw]