Source code for nutopy.path

    path module description

import numpy as np
from nutopy.mod_pathsolve import *
from nutopy.errors import *
from nutopy import options
from import *

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def finitediffpath(fun, x, l, *args, **kwargs):
    veps = np.finfo(float).eps
    n    = x.size
    m    = l.size
    j    = np.zeros((n,n+m))
    f    = fun(x, l, *args, **kwargs)
    for i in range(0,n):
        t       = np.sqrt(veps)*np.sqrt(np.maximum(1.0, np.abs(x[i])))
        xi      = x[i]
        x[i]    = xi + t
        j[:,i]  = (fun(x, l, *args, **kwargs)-f)/t
        x[i]    = xi
    for i in range(0,m):
        t       = np.sqrt(veps)*np.sqrt(np.maximum(1.0, np.abs(l[i])))
        li      = l[i]
        l[i]    = li + t
        j[:,n+i]= (fun(x, l, *args, **kwargs)-f)/t
        l[i]    = li
    return j

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def solve(f, x0, pars0, parsf, *, df=None, options=None, callback=None, \ args=(), kwargs={}): """ Solver of one-parameter family of nonlinear equations: .. math:: f(x, \lambda) = 0, \quad \lambda \in [\lambda_0, \lambda_f] with :math:`f : \mathbf{R}^n \\times \mathbf{R} \\rightarrow \mathbf{R}^n`. The solver needs an initial pair :math:`(x_0, \lambda_0)` such that :math:`f(x_0, \lambda_0)=0`, that is the pair is a ``zero`` of :math:`f`. The goal is to compute a path of zeros :math:`(x_n, \lambda_n)` such that the final pair denoted :math:`(x_N, \lambda_N)` satisfies :math:`f(x_N, \lambda_N)=0` and :math:`\lambda_N=\lambda_f`. The final point :math:`x_N` is then denoted :math:`x_f`. The argument :math:`\lambda` is refered as a parameter. The solver admits a vector of parameters denoted ``pars`` instead of a scalar parameter. In that case, the solver solves .. math:: f(x, (1-\lambda)\, \\texttt{pars}_0 + \lambda\, \\texttt{pars}_f) = 0, \quad \lambda \in [0, 1], and the goal is to compute a path of zeros whose extremities satisfy :math:`f(x_0, \\texttt{pars}_0) = 0` and :math:`f(x_f, \\texttt{pars}_f) = 0`. Notes ----- The differential path following algorithm of the :meth:`nutopy.path.solve` method is partially described in Ref [1]_. The method is a Predictor-Corrector method [2]_ with high-order Runge-Kutta schemes for the prediction and a simplified Newton for the correction. Only the prediction is descibred in [1]_. Parameters ---------- f : callable A vector function representing ``f(x, pars)``. x0 : float vector or :class:`float` Initial solution, that is ``f(x0, pars0) = 0``. pars0 : float vector or :class:`float` Initial parameters. parsf : float vector or :class:`float` Final parameters, the goal is to compute xf such that ``F(xf, parsf) = 0``. df : callable, optional, key only The Jacobian ``f'(x, pars)`` which returns a tuple of float matrices. It must return a tuple ``(dfdx, dfdpars)`` where ``dfdx = df/dx(x, pars)`` and ``dfdpars = df/dpars(x,pars)``. ``dfdx`` has shape ``(n,n)`` where ``n`` is the size of ``x`` and ``dfdpars`` has shape ``(n,m)`` where ``m`` is the size of ``pars``. options : :meth:`nutopy.path.Options`, optional, key only A dictionnary of solver options. callback: callable, optional, key only A function of the form ``callback(infos)`` which returns a flag (named ``status``). The ``path.solve`` method stops if ``status < 0`` at some iteration. The argument ``infos`` is a structure containing: - ``infos.x`` : ``x`` at current iteration; - ```` : ``pars`` at current iteration; - ``infos.f`` : ``f(x,pars)`` at current iteration. **Advice.** Return a status lower than -10 to avoid any confusion with status below. args : tuple, key only optional arguments for ``f`` (and ``df`` if provided). kwargs : dictionnary, key only keywords optional arguments for ``f`` (and ``df`` if provided). Returns ------- sol A dictionary/struct of outputs: - ``sol.xf`` or ``sol.get('xf')`` (float vector) : final solution ``xf``; - ``sol.parsf`` (float vector) : final parameters ``parsf``; - ``sol.xout`` (float matrix) : solutions along the path of zeros, ie ``f(xout[k], parsout[k]) = 0``; - ``sol.parsout`` (float matrix) : parameters at each computed step; - ``sol.fnorm`` (float vector) : norm of the function ``f`` at each computed step; - ``sol.status`` (:class:`int`) : termination status of the solver - if ``status== 0`` then `MaxSf` is too small; - if ``status==-1`` then input is not consistent; - if ``status==-2`` then larger `MaxSteps` is needed; - if ``status==-3`` then step size became too small; - if ``status==-4`` then problem is problably stiff; - if ``status==-5`` then ``|f|`` is greater than `NormeSfunMax`; - if ``status==-6`` then the homotopic parameter do not evolve relatively w.r.t. `TolHomParEvolution`; - if ``status==-7`` then a turning point occurs. - ``sol.success`` (:class:`bool`) : whether or not the solver exited successfully; - ``sol.message`` (:class:`str`) : description of the cause of the termination; - ``sol.sout`` (float vector) : arc length at each computed step; - ``sol.vout`` (float matrix) : ``vout[:,k] = c'[:,k]`` where ``c = (x, pars)``; - ``sol.dets`` (float vector) : ``det(f'(c(s)),c'(s))`` at each computed step; - ```` (float vector) :``( c'(s_old) | c'(s) )`` at each computed step. See Also -------- nutopy.path.Options nutopy.nle.solve nutopy.errors Notes ----- - Use :class:`numpy.ndarray` to define float vectors. - You can use a Newton solver (see :meth:`nutopy.nle.solve`) to get ``x0``. - You can define a unique function ``f`` coding f and its derivative: .. highlight:: python >>> from import * >>> def df(x, dx, p, dp, a): ... dy = np.zeros(x.size) ... dy[0] = a * dx[0] - dp[0] ... dy[1] = np.exp(x[0] + x[1]) * ( dx[0] + dx[1] ) - dp[1] ... return dy >>> @tensorize(df, tvars=(1, 2)) ... def f(x, p, a): # p is pars ... y = np.zeros(x.size) ... y[0] = a * x[0] - p[0] ... y[1] = np.exp(x[0] + x[1]) - p[1] ... return y Then, call ``path.solve`` with ``df=f``: .. highlight:: python >>> from nutopy import path >>> x0 = np.array([0.0, 0.0]) >>> p0 = np.array([0.0, 1.0]) >>> pf = np.array([1.0, 2.0]) >>> a = 2.0 >>> sol = path.solve(f, x0, p0, pf, args=a, df=f) >>> # or equivalently: df is not required if f is tensorized >>> sol = path.solve(f, x0, p0, pf, args=a) Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from nutopy import path Example 1: scalar >>> def f(x, l): ... return 2.0*x-l >>> x0 = 0.0 >>> l0 = 0.0 >>> lf = 1.0 >>> sol = path.solve(f, x0, l0, lf) Example 2: scalar, with numpy >>> def f(x, l): ... y = np.zeros(x.size) ... y[0] = 2.0*x[0] - l[0] ... return y >>> x0 = np.array([0.0]) >>> l0 = np.array([0.0]) >>> lf = np.array([1.0]) >>> sol = path.solve(f, x0, l0, lf) Example 3: with Jacobian, options and optional argument >>> def f(x, l, a): ... y = np.zeros(x.size) ... y[0] = a*x[0]-l[0] ... y[1] = np.exp(x[0]+x[1])-1.0 ... return y >>> def df(x, l, a): ... n = x.size ... m = l.size ... dfdx = np.zeros((n,n)) ... dfdl = np.zeros((n,m)) ... ... dfdx[0,0] = a ... dfdx[1,0] = np.exp(x[0]+x[1]) ... dfdx[1,1] = np.exp(x[0]+x[1]) ... ... dfdl[0,0] = -1.0 ... return (dfdx, dfdl) >>> opt = path.Options(ODESolver='dopri5', MaxIterCorrection=0); >>> a = 2.0 >>> x0 = np.array([0.0, 0.0]) >>> l0 = 0.0 >>> lf = 1.0 >>> sol = path.solve(f, x0, l0, lf, options=opt, args=a, df=df) Example 4: homotopy on two parameters with Jacobian >>> def f(x, l, a): ... y = np.zeros(x.size) ... y[0] = a * x[0] - l[0] ... y[1] = np.exp(x[0] + x[1]) - l[1] ... return y >>> def df(x, l, a): ... n = x.size ... m = l.size ... dfdx = np.zeros((n, n)) ... dfdl = np.zeros((n, m)) ... ... dfdx[0, 0] = a ... dfdx[1, 0] = np.exp(x[0] + x[1]) ... dfdx[1, 1] = np.exp(x[0] + x[1]) ... ... dfdl[0, 0] = -1.0 ... dfdl[1, 1] = -1.0 ... return (dfdx, dfdl) >>> x0 = np.array([0.0, 0.0]) >>> l0 = np.array([0.0, 1.0]) >>> lf = np.array([1.0, 2.0]) >>> a = 2.0 >>> sol = path.solve(f, x0, l0, lf, args=a, df=df) Example 5: use callback to stop homotopy >>> def f(x, l): ... y = np.zeros(x.size) ... y[0] = 2.0 * x[0] - l[0] ... return y >>> def mycallback(infos): ... if(infos.x[0]>=1.0/4.0): # we stop if x >= 1/4 ... return -11 ... return 0 >>> x0 = np.array([0.0]) >>> l0 = np.array([0.0]) >>> lf = np.array([1.0]) >>> sol = path.solve(f, x0, l0, lf, callback=mycallback) >>> print(sol.status) -11 References ---------- .. [1] J.-B. Caillau, O. Cots and J. Gergaud, Differential continuation for regular optimal control problems, Optimization Methods and Software, 27 (2011), no. 2, 177–196. .. [2] E. Allgower & K. Georg, Introduction to numerical continuation methods, vol. 45 of Classics in Applied Mathematics, Soc. for Industrial and Applied Math., Philadelphia, PA, USA, (2003), xxvi+388. Raises ------ ArgumentTypeError Variable x0 must be a one dimensional numpy array or a float. ArgumentTypeError Variable pars0 must be a one dimensional numpy array or a float. ArgumentTypeError Variable parsf must be a one dimensional numpy array or a float. ArgumentTypeError Variable options must be a Options object. ArgumentDimensionError Variable x0 must be a one dimensional numpy array or a float. ArgumentDimensionError Variable pars0 must be a one dimensional numpy array or a float. ArgumentDimensionError Variable parsf must be a one dimensional numpy array or a float. ArgumentDimensionError Variable parsf must have the same size than pars0. """ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Cast of input variables # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if(not isinstance(x0, float)): x0 = np.asarray(x0) if(not isinstance(pars0, float)): pars0 = np.asarray(pars0) if(not isinstance(parsf, float)): parsf = np.asarray(parsf) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Tests on input variables # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if options is None: options = Options() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Variable x0 must be a vector # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Variable x0 must be a vector msgErreur = 'Variable x0 must be a one dimensional numpy array or a float.'; if(isinstance(x0,np.ndarray)): #Variable x0 must be a vector if(x0.ndim==1): n = x0.size elif(x0.ndim==2): (lig,col) = x0.shape if(lig==1 or col==1): n = x0.size else : raise ArgumentDimensionError(msgErreur) else : raise ArgumentDimensionError(msgErreur) elif(isinstance(x0,float)): n = 1 else : raise ArgumentTypeError(msgErreur) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgErreur = 'Variable pars0 must be a one dimensional numpy array or a float.'; if(isinstance(pars0,np.ndarray)): #Variable pars0 must be a vector if(pars0.ndim==1): np0 = pars0.size elif(pars0.ndim==2): (lig,col) = pars0.shape if(lig==1 or col==1): np0 = pars0.size else : raise ArgumentDimensionError(msgErreur) else : raise ArgumentDimensionError(msgErreur) elif(isinstance(pars0,float)): np0 = 1 else : raise ArgumentTypeError(msgErreur) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- msgErreur = 'Variable parsf must be a one dimensional numpy array or a float.'; if(isinstance(parsf,np.ndarray)): #Variable parsf must be a vector if(parsf.ndim==1): npf = parsf.size elif(parsf.ndim==2): (lig,col) = parsf.shape if(lig==1 or col==1): npf = parsf.size else : raise ArgumentDimensionError(msgErreur) else : raise ArgumentDimensionError(msgErreur) elif(isinstance(parsf,float)): npf = 1 else : raise ArgumentTypeError(msgErreur) #Test if np0 = npf if(np0!=npf): raise ArgumentDimensionError('Variable parsf must have the same size than pars0.') # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Variable options must be a Options object msgErreur = 'Variable options must be a Options object!'; if(not isinstance(options,Options)): raise ArgumentTypeError(msgErreur) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # create callback function passed to fortran routine # display = options.get('Display')=='on' disp_iter = options.get('DispIter') if not isinstance(args,tuple): args = (args,) # if f is df: jac_case = 2 # f is tensorized elif df is None: #if istensorized(f, (1, 2), x0, pars0, *args, **kwargs): # df = f # jac_case = 2 # f is tensorized #else: jac_case = 0 # no jacobian => finite diff else: jac_case = 1 # the Jacobian is given # if jac_case == 0: # No jacobian: finite diff myjac = lambda x, pars: finitediffpath(f, x, pars, *args, **kwargs) elif jac_case == 2: # f is tensorized def myjac(x, pars): n = x.size m = pars.size dfdx = np.zeros((n,n)) dfdp = np.zeros((n,m)) Idx = np.eye(n) Idp = np.eye(m) zx = np.zeros(n) zp = np.zeros(m) for i in range(0, n): _, dfdx[:,i] = df((x, Idx[:, i]), (pars, zp), *args, **kwargs) for i in range(0, m): _, dfdp[:,i] = df((x, zx), (pars, Idp[:, i]), *args, **kwargs) return dfdx, dfdp else: # jac_case = 1: the Jacobian is given myjac = lambda x, pars: df(x, pars, *args, **kwargs) myfun = lambda x, pars: f(x, pars, *args, **kwargs) if callback is None: def callbackPATH(x, pars, fx, hompar, arclength, dets, dots, Niter): if (display) and (disp_iter>=0) and ((Niter%disp_iter==0) or (Niter==1)): callbackPrint(x, fx, hompar, arclength, dets, dots, Niter) return 0 else: def callbackPATH(x, pars, fx, hompar, arclength, dets, dots, Niter): if (display) and (disp_iter>=0) and ((Niter%disp_iter==0) or (Niter==1)): callbackPrint(x, fx, hompar, arclength, dets, dots, Niter) infos_dict = dict(x=x, pars=pars, f=fx) infos = PATHInfos(infos_dict) if callback.__code__.co_argcount > 1: return callback(infos, *args, **kwargs) else: return callback(infos) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # on passe du tuple (df/dx, df/dpars) a un array def myjacAux(x, pars): n = x.size m = pars.size j = np.zeros((n,n+m)) (dfdx, dfdpars) = myjac(x, pars) j[:,0:n] = dfdx j[:,n:] = dfdpars return j # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if df is None: jac_final = myjac else: jac_final = myjacAux # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # if(not isinstance(x0,float)): x0.astype(dtype='d',order='F') # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # prepare call to Fortran solver # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [dw, iw, lsw, sw] = options.getAllOptions() ndw = len(dw) niw = len(iw) nsw = len(lsw) nswint = len(sw) swint = [ord(c) for c in sw] #Code ascii de la chaine de caractere # parspan nparspan = np0 mparspan = 2 parspan = np.zeros((nparspan,mparspan),dtype='d',order='F') parspan[:,0] = pars0 parspan[:,1] = parsf # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [dimepath,flag,messageFortran] = mod_pathsolve.pathsolvepy(myfun,jac_final,x0, \ parspan,callbackPATH,dw,iw,swint,lsw,n,nparspan,mparspan,ndw,niw,nsw,nswint) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # post computations, prepare outputs # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- parsout_for = mod_pathsolve.parout xout_for = mod_pathsolve.xout sout = mod_pathsolve.sout viout = mod_pathsolve.viout # viout.shape = (n+1, len(sout)) dets = mod_pathsolve.dets fnorm = mod_pathsolve.normf ps = # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # on tensorise : parsout, xout, viout if(not isinstance(x0,float)): x0shape = x0.shape xout = np.reshape(xout_for[:, 0], x0shape)[None] else: xout = xout_for[0, 0][None] for i in range(dimepath-1): if(not isinstance(x0,float)): x = np.reshape(xout_for[:, i+1], x0shape) else: x = xout_for[0, i+1] xout = np.concatenate((xout, x[None]), axis=0) if(not isinstance(pars0,float)): pars0shape = pars0.shape parsout = np.reshape(parsout_for[:, 0], pars0shape)[None] else: parsout = parsout_for[0, 0][None] for i in range(dimepath-1): if(not isinstance(pars0,float)): p = np.reshape(parsout_for[:, i+1], pars0shape) else: p = parsout_for[0, i+1] parsout = np.concatenate((parsout, p[None]), axis=0) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- parsfin = parsout[-1] xf = xout[-1] # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- message = messageFortran.strip().decode() status = flag if(status==1): success=True else: success=False # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sol = dict(xf=xf, parsf=parsfin, parsout=parsout, xout=xout, sout=sout, vout=viout, \ dets=dets, fnorm=fnorm, ps=ps, status=status, success=success, message=message) pathsol = PATHSol(sol) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # display outputs if display: print('\n Results of the path solver method:\n') print(' xf = ', pathsol.xf); print(' parsf = ', pathsol.parsf); print(' |f(xf,parsf)| = ', pathsol.fnorm[-1]); print(' steps = ', pathsol.sout.size); print(' status = ', pathsol.status); print(' success = ', pathsol.success, '\n'); print(' ' + pathsol.message + '\n') # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # reset counter callbackPrint.counter=0 return pathsol
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def static_vars(**kwargs): def decorate(func): for k in kwargs: setattr(func, k, kwargs[k]) return func return decorate @static_vars(counter=0) def callbackPrint(x, fx, hompar, arclength, dets, dots, Niter): if(callbackPrint.counter==0): # do not modify the following line print('\n Calls |f(x,pars)| |x| Homotopic param \ Arclength s det A(s) Dot product \n ') print('{0:10}'.format(Niter) + '{0:16.8e}'.format(np.linalg.norm(fx)) + \ '{0:19.11e}'.format(np.linalg.norm(x)) + '{0:19.11e}'.format(hompar) \ + '{0:16.8e}'.format(arclength) + '{0:16.8e}'.format(dets) + \ '{0:16.8e}'.format(dots)) callbackPrint.counter += 1 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class PATHSol: def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Doc de __init__ """ #args -- tuple of anonymous arguments #kwargs -- dictionary of named arguments self.sol = dict() self.update(*args, **kwargs) self.xf = self.sol['xf'] self.parsf = self.sol['parsf'] self.parsout = self.sol['parsout'] self.xout = self.sol['xout'] self.sout = self.sol['sout'] self.vout = self.sol['vout'] self.dets = self.sol['dets'] self.fnorm = self.sol['fnorm'] = self.sol['ps'] self.success = self.sol['success'] self.message = self.sol['message'] self.status = self.sol['status'] def update(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Doc de update """ for dico in args: if(isinstance(dico,dict)): self.__private_update(dico) else: raise ArgumentTypeError('PATHSol requires arguments of type dict or \ a list of param=value, see help(PATHSol)!') self.__private_update(kwargs) def __private_update(self, dictionary): """ Doc de __private_update """ for key, val in dictionary.items(): if key in self.sol: if(isinstance(self.sol[key],val.__class__)): self.sol[key] = val else: raise ArgumentTypeError('PATHSol ' + key + ' must be of type: ' + \ str(self.sol[key].__class__) + ' instead of type: ' + \ str(val.__class__) + '!') else: self.sol[key] = val def get(self, key): """ Doc de get """ try: value = self.sol[key] except KeyError as err: raise OptionNameError(key + ' is not a PATHSol, see help(PATHSol)!\n') return value def __str__(self): """ Doc de __str__ """ keys = sorted(self.sol.keys()) string = self.__class__.__name__ + ':\n\n' for key in keys: string = string + "\t" + key.ljust(20) + ' = ' + str(self.sol[key]) + '\n' return string # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class PATHInfos: def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Doc de __init__ """ #args -- tuple of anonymous arguments #kwargs -- dictionary of named arguments self.sol = dict() self.update(*args, **kwargs) self.x = self.sol['x'] = self.sol['pars'] self.f = self.sol['f'] def update(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Doc de update """ for dico in args: if(isinstance(dico,dict)): self.__private_update(dico) else: raise ArgumentTypeError('PATHInfos requires arguments of type dict or \ a list of param=value, see help(PATHInfos)!') self.__private_update(kwargs) def __private_update(self, dictionary): """ Doc de __private_update """ for key, val in dictionary.items(): if key in self.sol: if(isinstance(self.sol[key],val.__class__)): self.sol[key] = val else: raise ArgumentTypeError('PATHInfos ' + key + ' must be of type: ' + \ str(self.sol[key].__class__) + ' instead of type: ' + \ str(val.__class__) + '!') else: self.sol[key] = val def get(self, key): """ Doc de get """ try: value = self.sol[key] except KeyError as err: raise OptionNameError(key + ' is not a PATHInfos, see help(PATHInfos)!\n') return value def __str__(self): """ Doc de __str__ """ keys = sorted(self.sol.keys()) string = self.__class__.__name__ + ':\n\n' for key in keys: string = string + "\t" + key.ljust(20) + ' = ' + str(self.sol[key]) + '\n' return string # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class Options(options.Options): """ Options for :meth:`nutopy.path.solve`. Attributes ---------- DispIter : :class:`int`, default is ``1`` Display at iteration k such that mod(k,DispIter)==0 Display : :class:`str`, {'on', 'off'}, default is ``on`` Display iterations and results or not DoSavePath : :class:`str`, {'off', 'on'}, default is ``off`` Save path during the homotopy in a file "SavedPath(n).py" MaxIterCorrection : :class:`int`, default is ``7`` Maximum number of iterations during correction MaxArcLength : :class:`float`, default is ``1e5`` Maximum arc length MaxFunNorm : :class:`float`, default is ``1e-1`` Maximal norm of the function F during homotopy MaxSteps : :class:`int`, default is ``10000`` Maximum number of homotopy steps MaxStepSize : :class:`float`, default is ``0`` Maximum step size during homotopy. If it is equal to 0 then the integrator has no constraint on the maximal step size. MaxStepSizeHomPar : :class:`float`, default is ``0`` Maximum step size for the homotopic parameter. If 0 then no constraint on the maximal step size. ODESolver : :class:`str`, default is ``dopri5`` Integrator name for homotopy. See Refs. [1]_ and [2]_. The integrators are interface of Fortran softwares available `here <>`_. - Explicit: dopri5, dop853 - Implicit: radau5, radau9, radau13, radau (adaptative order 5, 9 and 13) StopAtTurningPoint : :class:`int`, {0, 1}, default is ``0`` Stop or not after a turning point. TolOdeAbs : :class:`float`, default is ``1e-10`` Absolute error tolerance. TolOdeRel : :class:`float`, default is ``1e-8`` Relative error tolerance. TolHomparfinalStep : :class:`float`, default is ``1e-8`` Absolute Dense output tolerance. Absolute tolerance to detect if the final homotopic parameter has been reached. TolHomParEvolution : :class:`float`, default is ``1e-8`` Relative Dense output tolerance. The homotopy stops when the homotopic parameter do not evolve relatively, iteration per iteration, during ten following steps. TolXCorrectionStep : :class:`float`, default is ``1e-8`` Relative tolerance during correction. Examples -------- >>> from nutopy import path Constructor usage >>> options = path.Options() >>> options = path.Options(Display='off', MaxSf=100) >>> options = path.Options({'Display' : 'off', 'MaxSf' : 100}) Update >>> options.update(Display='on') Get >>> solver = options.get('Display') References ---------- .. [1] E. Hairer, S. P. Norsett & G. Wanner, Solving Ordinary Differential Equations I, Nonstiff Problems, vol 8 of Springer Serie in Computational Mathematics, Springer-Verlag, second edn (1993). .. [2] E. Hairer & G. Wanner, Solving Ordinary Differential Equations II, Stiff and Differential-Algebraic Problems, vol 14 of Springer Serie in Computational Mathematics, Springer-Verlag, second edn (1996). """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Doc de __init__ """ = 'path.solve' #On donne les valeurs par defaut de options self.options = dict(DispIter = 1, Display = 'on', DoSavePath = 'off', MaxArcLength = 1e5, MaxFunNorm = 1e-1, MaxSteps = 10000, MaxStepSize = 0.0, ODESolver = 'dopri5', StopAtTurningPoint = 0, TolOdeAbs = 1e-10, TolOdeRel = 1e-8, TolHomparfinalStep = 1e-8, TolHomParEvolution = 1e-8, TolXCorrectionStep = 1e-8, MaxIterCorrection = 7, MaxStepSizeHomPar = 0.0) #args -- tuple of anonymous arguments #kwargs -- dictionary of named arguments self.update(*args, **kwargs) def getAllOptions(self): """ Doc de getAllOptions """ # Cette methode permet de regrouper les options a donner en parametre aux # fonctions fortran faisant l interface dw = [ self.options['MaxArcLength'] , self.options['MaxFunNorm'] , self.options['MaxStepSize'] , self.options['MaxStepSizeHomPar'] , self.options['TolOdeAbs'] , self.options['TolOdeRel'] , self.options['TolHomparfinalStep'] , self.options['TolHomParEvolution'] , self.options['TolXCorrectionStep'] ] iw = [ self.options['DispIter'] , self.options['MaxIterCorrection'] , self.options['MaxSteps'] , self.options['StopAtTurningPoint'] ] lsw = [ len(self.options['Display']) , len(self.options['DoSavePath']) , len(self.options['ODESolver']) ] sw = self.options['Display'] + \ self.options['DoSavePath'] + \ self.options['ODESolver'] return [dw, iw, lsw, sw]