Notebook source code: examples/nlp_indirect/nlp2.ipynb
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Comparing NLP and BVP resolution from indirect method (2/2)


\[\begin{split}\left\{ \begin{array}{l} \displaystyle \frac{1}{2} \int_0^1 |u|^2\,\mathrm{d}t \to \min,\\ \dot{q} = (u_1, 1+ u_2), \end{array} \right.\end{split}\]

with \(q=(x,y)\) fixed to the origin \((0,0)\) at \(t=0\) and with the final constraint \(x(1)=1\).

Denoting \(p=(p_1,p_2)\), in the normal case (\(p^0=-1\)), the dynamic feedback is \(u=p\), so the maximized Hamiltonian of the problem is

\[H(q, p) = p_1 x + p_2(1 + u) - \frac{1}{2} (u_1^2+u_2^2) = \frac{1}{2}(p_1^2+p_2^2) + p_2.\]



import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from nutopy import nle
from import *
from nutopy.ocp import *
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from scipy.optimize import NonlinearConstraint
t0 = 0.
tf = 1.
q0 = np.array([ 0., 0., 0. ])  # we augment the system with the cost
x_target = 1.


# h1
def dhfun(t, q, dq, p, dp):
    p1, p2, pc = p
    p1d, p2d, pcd = dp
    hd = -(p1*p1d+p2*p2d)/pc+p2d+pcd*(p1**2+p2**2)/(2.*pc**2)
    return hd

def d2hfun(t, q, dq, d2q, p, dp, d2p):
    p1, p2, pc = p
    p1d, p2d, pcd = dp
    p1d0, p2d0, pcd0 = d2p
    hdd = -(p1d0*p1d+p2d0*p2d)/pc+pcd*(p1*p1d0+p2*p2d0)/(2.*pc**2)-pcd*pcd0*(p1**2+p2**2)/pc**3
    return hdd

@tensorize(dhfun, d2hfun, tvars=(2, 3))
def hfun(t, q, p):
    """h = hfun(t, x, p)
    p1, p2, pc = p
    h = -(p1**2+p2**2)/(2.*pc) + p2
    return h

h1 = Hamiltonian(hfun)
f  = Flow(h1)

Shooting function

def dshoot(p0, dp0):
    (qf, dqf), (pf, dpf) = f(t0, q0, (p0, dp0), tf)
    s  = np.array([ qf[0] - 1., pf[1], pf[2]+1. ]) # code duplication (in order to compute dxf, shooting also needs to compute xf; accordingly, full=True
    ds = np.array([ dqf[0], dpf[1], dpf[2] ])
    return s, ds

@tensorize(dshoot, full=True)
def shoot(p0):
    """s = shoot(p0)

    Shooting function associated with flow f"""
    qf, pf = f(t0, q0, p0, tf)
    s = np.array([ qf[0] - 1., pf[1], pf[2]+1. ])
    return s


p0 = np.array([ 0.1, 0.1, -1. ] )
nleopt = nle.Options(SolverMethod='hybrj', Display='on', TolX=1e-8)
sol = nle.solve(shoot, p0, df=shoot, options=nleopt); p0_sol = sol.x
qf, pf = f(t0, q0, p0_sol, tf)
print('NLE\t: ', '\n p0_sol =', p0_sol, '\n shoot  =', shoot(p0_sol), '\n cost   = ', qf[2])

     Calls  |f(x)|                 |x|

         1  9.055385138137417e-01  1.009950493836208e+00
         2  2.220446049250313e-16  1.414213562373095e+00
         3  2.220446049250313e-16  1.414213562373095e+00
         4  2.220446049250313e-16  1.414213562373095e+00
         5  2.220446049250313e-16  1.414213562373095e+00
         6  2.220446049250313e-16  1.414213562373095e+00
         7  2.220446049250313e-16  1.414213562373095e+00
         8  5.659615711335853e-02  1.374776640321359e+00
         9  2.220446049250313e-16  1.414213562373095e+00
        10  2.220446049250313e-16  1.414213562373095e+00
        11  2.220446049250313e-16  1.414213562373095e+00
        12  3.537259819584859e-03  1.411714557751623e+00
        13  2.220446049250313e-16  1.414213562373095e+00
        14  2.220446049250313e-16  1.414213562373095e+00
        15  4.421574774478021e-04  1.413900944390497e+00
        16  2.220446049250313e-16  1.414213562373095e+00
        17  2.220446049250313e-16  1.414213562373095e+00
        18  2.220446049250313e-16  1.414213562373095e+00
        19  2.763484234036273e-05  1.414194021723683e+00
        20  2.220446049250313e-16  1.414213562373095e+00
        21  2.220446049250313e-16  1.414213562373095e+00
        22  3.454355292364930e-06  1.414211119777153e+00
        23  2.220446049250313e-16  1.414213562373095e+00
        24  2.220446049250313e-16  1.414213562373095e+00
        25  4.317944113374494e-07  1.414213257048372e+00
        26  2.220446049250313e-16  1.414213562373095e+00
        27  2.220446049250313e-16  1.414213562373095e+00
        28  2.220446049250313e-16  1.414213562373095e+00
        29  2.698715051430156e-08  1.414213543290298e+00

 Results of the nle solver method:

 xsol    =  [ 1.  0. -1.]
 f(xsol) =  [2.22044605e-16 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00]
 nfev    =  29
 njev    =  2
 status  =  1
 success =  True

 Successfully completed: relative error between two consecutive iterates is at most TolX.

NLE     :
 p0_sol = [ 1.  0. -1.]
 shoot  = [2.22044605e-16 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00]
 cost   =  0.5000000000000002

NLP problem

# Cost function
def F(p0):
    qf, pf = f(t0, q0, p0, tf)
    return qf[2]

def dF(p0, dp0):
    (qf, dqf), (pf, dpf) = f(t0, q0, (p0, dp0), tf)
    return dpf[2]

def grad_F(p0):
    dp0 = np.eye(3)
    return np.array([dF(p0, dp0[:,0]), dF(p0, dp0[:,1]), dF(p0, dp0[:,2])])

def hess_F(p0):
    return np.zeros((3,3))

# Constraints: x(1, p0) - 1 = 0, pc(0) = -1
def G(p0):
    qf, pf = f(t0, q0, p0, tf)
    return np.array([qf[0] - 1, p0[2] + 1.])

def dG(p0, dp0):
    (qf, dqf), (pf, dpf) = f(t0, q0, (p0, dp0), tf)
    return np.array([dqf[0], dp0[2]])

def jac_G(p0):
    dp0 = np.eye(3)
    jac = np.zeros((2,3))
    jac[:,0] = dG(p0, dp0[:,0])
    jac[:,1] = dG(p0, dp0[:,1])
    jac[:,2] = dG(p0, dp0[:,2])
    return jac

nonlinear_constraint = NonlinearConstraint(G, np.array([0., 0.]), np.array([0., 0.]), jac=jac_G)


p0  = np.array([ 0.1, 0.1, -1. ] )
res = minimize(F, p0, method='trust-constr', constraints=[nonlinear_constraint],
               jac=grad_F, hess=hess_F,
               options={'verbose': 2, 'gtol': 1e-8, 'disp': True})

| niter |f evals|CG iter|  obj func   |tr radius |   opt    |  c viol  |
|   1   |   1   |   0   | +1.0000e-02 | 1.00e+00 | 0.00e+00 | 9.00e-01 |
|   2   |   2   |   0   | +4.1000e-01 | 1.60e+00 | 0.00e+00 | 1.00e-01 |
|   3   |   3   |   0   | +5.0500e-01 | 1.60e+00 | 0.00e+00 | 2.22e-16 |

`gtol` termination condition is satisfied.
Number of iterations: 3, function evaluations: 3, CG iterations: 0, optimality: 0.00e+00, constraint violation: 2.22e-16, execution time: 0.086 s.
[ 1.   0.1 -1. ]
/home/caillau/anaconda3/envs/dev/lib/python3.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ UserWarning: delta_grad == 0.0. Check if the approximated function is linear. If the function is linear better results can be obtained by defining the Hessian as zero instead of using quasi-Newton approximations.
  'approximations.', UserWarning)